New Danger Third Rail EP
I suppose if I announce a new Danger Third Rail project on a blog site, and then post that to Mastodon, it's not going to make a very big splash. I'm okay with that, I expect as much. I don't expect anyone to know wha
I have been a Spotify user since they first launched in the US, which was (checks notes) July 2011. Wow. I'm pretty much a happy customer, and I think I get good value from the service. I'm also an artist on the platf
- Danger Third Rail
Plans for the digital garden
Here I'd like to discuss some of my plans, hopes, aspirations and whatnot for this digital garden. I've documented some of the more technical issues on the garden's [Github rep
The highs and lows of producing music in your home studio/kitchen
I don't really want to give a detailed history of my experiences with writing and recording music here. Like most folks, I've been experimenting with music and instruments from a very young age. In the 90s, I "recorded" music using a MIDI
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